What is pop-punk? Well, at the turn of the millennium MTV grabbed hold of the genre and ran it into the ground. After showcasing only one chunk of the genre, many fans did not get to hear or witness entirely what it had to offer. MTV and mainstream media's exposure of numerous pop-punk bands eventually led to an explosion of popularity, but with that popularity came an over abundance of trend hopping, label molded projects that forced the genre into becoming a fad. As the pop-punk wave and mainstream exposure fizzled, many bands began to morph like chameleons with the brand new trends and sounds that replaced them in attempt to remain relevant. Some bands called it quits. But the genre never truly died.
Despite the quick flash under the limelight, pop-punk is still alive and well in many fans hearts. The “Pop Punks Not Dead Tour” is proving to the masses that the tight nit community remains and the angst filled, heartfelt, and fun brand is still in full effect. This past Tuesday I got the chance to experience one of my all-time favorite bands live on stage at the new Emo's venue in Austin, Texas. Here, band by band, is what I witnessed in all its glory:
THIS TIME NEXT YEARNew Found Glory has always been well versed in picking the right bands to tour with and This Time Next Year is no exception. Having never seen this band live, I didn’t know what to expect, and honestly, I was pleasantly surprised! The opening band's purpose is to hype up the crowd and to get them ready for the events to come. TTNY arrived on stage in full force ready to showcase their infectious brand of Californian pop-punk. From the start, this band seemed to have harnessed the energy of a thousand suns and spit it right back at the crowd. With fast-paced guitars and lyrics about partying and friends, TTNY instantly brought the crowd together and set the tone for the rest of the show.
MAN OVERBOARDThis New Jersey pop-punk outfit represent the more polished and melodic side of their genre. Their stage presence is unmatched with the ability to make every individual fan feel like they are getting a private show in their own living room. Hearing the crowd scream back the anxiety-ridden vocals was almost euphoric as the band fed off the energy. As Man Overboard closed their set, they left me with the feeling of wanting more. A solid show from a solid band.
The Wonder YearsThe Wonder Years Came bursting on to the stage with their first track, “Came Out Swinging”, off their new album “Suburbia: I’ve Given You All and Now I'm Nothing.” These six south Philly natives showcased their version of the “thinking man’s” pop-punk. TWY showed the crowd no mercy as they jumped around on stage as if it were on fire. Their set contained a mixture of songs from their two full lengths. “Melrose Diner” was a definite crowd pleaser and had fans screaming along with the band: “All I’ve got left are these handfuls of fuck you!,” as if they too had their own personal grudge against the songs muse. They closed with the always electrifying “Washington Square Park”, which was the icing on the cake for a short but sweet 30-minute set.
Set Your GoalsI would be lying if I said I was a fan of this bands music. However, This California based band has a stage presence that rivals most others. With two singers, they have the ability to control a crowd as if hypnosis was part of their repertoire. From the very start, SYG gave the crowd everything they had and then some.
New Found GloryOften referred to as the “god fathers” or “saviors” of pop-punk, Florida’s own New Found Glory truly brings those labels to fruition with their live show. After almost 15 years as a band, they have the ability to do it bigger and better than every band in their genre. They opened their set with “Understatement”, the 1st track from their critically acclaimed album “Sticks and Stones.” For the next 50 minutes the crowd was bombarded with songs spanning NFG’s 7 albums and 3 EPs. The crowd favorite “Hit or Miss” (a song they have thrown in to every set since 1999) fills the venue with an almost palpable nostalgic feeling. After these pop-punk juggernauts left the stage and the venue goes dark, you hear the crowd roar “NFG! NFG! NFG!” And, as with every New Found Glory show, they return. Their encore begins with their version of Green Day’s (A band often cited as an early influence for them) “Basket Case,” And immediately runs in to The Ramones’ "Blitzkrieg Bop". After playing the title track from their newest release, “Radio Surgery,” The PA system seemingly exploded with the vocals of Jordan Pundik screaming the opening to their most commercially successful song, “My Friends Over You.” This was my 20th time having the privilege of seeing New Found Glory, and as always, they put every ounce of themselves in to their show.
All in all, the tour title said it best: Pop Punk is not dead. On Tuesday night, it was more alive than ever before.