Saturday, June 26, 2010

How to Really Get Your Music on Blogs

Personally, I find it unbelievable that there are artists out there that still don't know what promotional blogs are. Over the past few years, these little websites have set the world of DIY independent music promotion on the internet on fire, making it easy and affordable (free!) for up and coming artists to promote their new music, album, and videos to a hungry audience of obsessed music fans. I recently read a free e-book by a college student by the name of Chris Bracco called "How to Really Get Your Music on Blogs," and as a long time indie hip hop blogger, I believe Chris' ideas, attention to detail, and ways to organize your campaigns are well thought out and show you exactly how to organize your online blog promotions the easy way.

I highly recommend this quick read to any up and comer that would like to expand their listening audience.

[via. tightmixblog]
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Chris Bracco said...

thx for the kind words!

rmlondon said...

No problem. Great e-book. I pushed it to many indie artists that could use the insight.

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