Monday, February 14, 2011 Presents: Pop Rocks (Free Compilation Download)

Here is's latest 9-track compilation album that showcases some of the site's brightest emerging bands and solo artists that have shared music that both "pops" and rocks.

Pop Rocks is a brilliant collection of impassioned rock music that features choice selections from: Todd Wright (Washington, DC), Shortwave (Toronto, Ontario, Canada), Danny Newport (Philadelphia, PA), Cherry Suede (Ottawa), Randy Boen (Nashville, TN), JunkFood (Washington, DC), Born Without Bones (Milford, MA), The Juliets (Detroit, MI), and Tyson Rae (Salt Lake City, UT).

So download the file below and let the future of pop-rock sizzle through your speakers.  

Click a song to listen to Pop Rocks on
(use your browser's back button to return)

1. Todd Wright Inside
2. Shortwave The Sublime
3. Danny Newport The Break Up
4. Cherry Suede When I'm Gone
5. Randy Boen A Moment Away
6. JunkFood Color TV
7. Born Without Bones Privileges
8. The Juliets Evolved Into
9. Tyson Rae I Swear

(Free Hip Hop Compilation) 

Click here for Bandabaisse
(Free Indie Rock Compilation) 
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