Tuesday, November 1, 2011

60 Second Review: From The Hollow

From The Hollow (aka Logan Nickleson) is an indie rock singer/songwriter based out of Memphis, Tennessee. His latest release Hundreds Of Miles is an atypical departure from his previous releases due to the much bolder guitar arrangements and darker undertones. “Dog On a Wall” immediately stands out the most because of its rock radio friendly vibe, but tracks like "Wrench", an eerie anti-ballad that sounds like vintage Conor Oberst with it's grinding guitar riffs and angst filled bleedings from a broken heart, and "Day and Night", a whimsical indie rock staple full of crisp drums, fantasy hallucinations and distorted vocals, give this EP its perpetual character.

Overall, Hundreds Of Miles is an exciting listen with fascinating instrumental arrangements and words that seem to stick to your soul. Watch out for this guy.

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